Lasik is the world’s most popular procedure to remove spectacle powers up to -9D or +5D permanently. It can be done after 18 years of age, once the spectacle power stabilizes. With proper pre-operative investigations and case selection, it is a safe procedure, which gives an almost immediate effect like refractive surgery. In Lasik, a flap is made in the cornea and the shape of the corneal bed is altered with an excimer laser to enable proper focusing of light. The flap is then replaced. We provide the Best Lasik Surgery in Nashik.
Advanced Surface Ablation (ASA):
In this procedure instead of cutting the flap, the corneal epithelium is removed with the help of an excimer laser itself using Streamlight technology. Then the spectacle number is corrected in the same flow. Bandage contact lens is applied for a period of 3-4 days till epithelium heals. This procedure has the advantage that there is no long-standing weakness in corneal layers. This is a preferred procedure for lower myopia.
Refractive surgeries are done using state of the art FDA approved Alcon Wavelight EX 500 Lasik Machine, which is extremely fast and has an eye-tracking system to prevent errors due to eye movements. The technology of this machine also minimizes side effects like post-operative haloes. It uses Morea SBK II microkeratome, which can make corneal flaps as thin as 90 microns and of quality equivalent to Femtosecond laser. This is complemented by The Alcon Oculyzer II, which does an accurate pre-operative analysis of the cornea, to ensure proper case selection and minimize post-operative complications or surprises. Post-operative pain is minimal and the patient can resume normal activities within a week. The chances of recurrence of small spectacle power after properly done Lasik is only 1-2%.
These work like a contact lens, but instead of being placed on the surface of the eye, it is surgically placed inside the eye without removing the natural lens. These implants are options for younger and middle-aged patients with severe myopia because the lenses of their eyes are still elastic and have not yet lost their ability to accommodate (they are able to see at close distances without the need for reading glasses). With the aid of PIOL, these patients can reduce their dependency on spectacles or contact lenses while conserving the ability of their natural lenses to accommodate for close-up vision.
Individuals with high refractive errors or thin corneas who are not suitable candidates for LASIK, or individuals having refractive errors and early cataractous lens changes are ideal candidates for refractive lens exchange. If multifocal or accommodating IOLs are used the patients do not have to depend on glasses for distance or reading. The procedure is similar to cataract surgery.

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