What Is Dry Eye?

Our tears are made from water and oil layers. Dry eye (also called dry eye syndrome) occurs when the eyelids, meibomian glands do not secrete enough natural oil into the tears. This causes the eyes to become dry, itchy, red, and painful. Environmental conditions like dry or windy air, working for long hours on the computer, or reading for long hours can also make you vulnerable to dry eye, treated Dry Eye Clinic in Nashik.

What can be done? 

A simple way to smoothen your eye is to keep a warm wet cloth on your eyes. A warm wet cloth will open the oil glands and soften oil blockages, allowing oil to flow into the tears. Keep a wet cloth in the microwave for about 20 secs. Make sure it is not too hot. Then place that wet cloth on your eyes for a few minutes, while you recline on a chair. 

Putting a warm wet cloth on your eyes for a few minutes, will reduce the evaporation of tears and will be smoothening. The warm moisture provides relief by stabilizing the eyes tear film and improving the meibomian gland’s production of oil. This will help to hydrate your eyes and also prevent and remove bacteria from your eyes. 

Prescription eye drops can also provide relief to your eyes. Some steroids can also be of help. Others provide additional lubrication. Please ask Bapaye Eye Hospital, Nashik, who can recommend or prescribe the simplest drops for your eyes.

Other home remedies include:

  • A filter to eliminate irritants
  • A humidifier to extend moisture within the air and reduce evaporation of your tears
  • Drinking water to remain hydrated
  • Wearing sunglasses to deflect ultraviolet rays and wind that dry the eyes
  • The wet cloth should not be too hot. You should use a different warm wet cloth for every eye

We recommend soft cleaning with a warm wet cloth and wiping your eyelids several times, day after day. It prevents bacteria from entering your eyes. 

If you are experiencing dry eye, please bring it to the attention of Bapeye Eye Hospital Nashik. Untreated, dry eye can sometimes cause corneal abrasions or ulcers, inflammation, and even vision loss. Get it treated at Dry Eye Clinic in Nashik.

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